Use "seven days of mourning|seven day of mourning" in a sentence

1. They even fasted for seven days, a traditional mourning rite among the Israelites.

2. For his part, Brahim Ghali, the President of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic, declared seven days of national mourning.

3. The governor decreed a day of mourning.

4. The government announced a day of national mourning for the victims.

5. Doing that all day, staying up seven, eight days.

6. The whole thing took two days out of the seven- day week.

7. Whiteflowers are insigne of mourning.

8. On this day, as on other days of mourning, Lithuanian flags are displayed outside all public buildings decorated with black ribbons.

9. Estimates are generally refreshed once a day, and reflect the last seven days of activity in your account from the day on which they're calculated (up to seven days ago).

10. Inappropriate displays of mourning (1, 2)

11. The government issued a decree that it would observe seven days national mourning during which the flag will be flown at half-mast and all concerts and festivities would not occur.

12. The oil of exultation instead of mourning,

13. The seven dwarfs suggest the seven days of the weekdays filled with work.

14. The mourning could be heard all day and all night.

15. Sorrow, anger, mourning.

16. All of Paris is in mourning!

17. Beginning on 27 February, the government declared a three-day period of national mourning.

18. On national days of mourning, for example, Australians are invited to wear a sprig of wattle.

19. Seven Days Till Easter

20. And my mourning like that of ostriches.

21. They're absolutely in mourning.

22. I'm mourning for the death of engineering.

23. 22 There are seven priests, with seven trumpets, and the whole business takes exactly seven days.

24. A Hamas leaflet handed out at the cemetery called for three days of national mourning.

25. A ceremonial seven-branched candelabrum of the Jewish Temple symbolizing the seven days of the Creation.

26. Emblems On Mourning Cockades Mourning Cockades could have plain black centers, or decorated centers.

27. + 9 But on the eighth day* they held a solemn assembly,+ because they had held the inauguration of the altar for seven days and the festival for seven days.

28. Hymns Console the Mourning

29. Her time of mourning is almost over.

30. Andromache Mourning Hector - Andromache Mourning Hector is a 1783 oil painting by Jacques-Louis David

31. Clearance will take seven days.

32. 1 The Kaddish is a prayer of mourning.

33. “Comfort All the Mourning Ones”

34. 2 In those days I, Daniel, had been mourning+ for three full weeks.

35. Circassians commemorate May 21 every year as a day of mourning commemorating the Circassian genocide

36. Agonized: expressing or suggesting mourning.

37. We've found... - Before The Mourning".

38. The seven sons of Job apparently held a seven-day family gathering once a year.

39. He wore crape as a sign of mourning.

40. Like the cretan bull, you wrestled it for seven days and seven nights.

41. Bemoaning: expressing or suggesting mourning.

42. Anguished: expressing or suggesting mourning.

43. The Azerbaijani government have declared a day of mourning * The Azeris are renowned for their sense of humour

44. There is no time for mourning.

45. Will call for weeping and mourning,+

46. Love of neighbor moved them to comfort mourning ones.

47. • How widespread is our work of comforting mourning ones?

48. His funeral was a great occasion of public mourning.

49. June 25-July 1 Seven Days Battles.

50. 2 Seven days transpire in the course of the play.

51. Only seven more days till the eclipse.

52. Nick was truant seven days this month.

53. The seven fat cows and the seven full heads of grain mean seven years, and the seven thin cows and the seven thin heads of grain mean seven more years.

54. Babroot A mourning illustration from first page

55. Mourning, outcry, and pain will be gone.

56. Well, the whole camp went into mourning.

57. She was recently widowed and wearing mourning.

58. Bathsheba, now a pregnant widow, sorrowfully weeped for Uriah during the Jewish required 30-day period of mourning

59. The four days since he had taken his last breath seemed like one long blur of mourning, visitors, and condolences.

60. What's the respectful period of mourning Before I could remarry?

61. For example, in the United States, donors must wait eight weeks (56 days) between whole blood donations but only seven days between plateletpheresis donations and twice per seven-day period in plasmapheresis.

62. WOMAN: Beach Kitten of South Beach, open seven days a week...

63. A Bacterial sinus infection will often persist for seven to 10 days or longer, and may actually worsen after seven days

64. We worked in this fashion for seven days, putting in eighteen to twenty hours a day.

65. There's no point swapping one 24-hour a day, seven days a week job for another.

66. Help me to remove this mourning garb.

67. She was still mourning for her brother.

68. A neighbor sheltered the boy for seven days.

69. They battled heroically for seven days and nights.

70. Physiologic jaundice generally lasts less than seven days.

71. He was still mourning his brother's death.

72. You should receive a reply within seven days.

73. For seven days, Xerxes mourned paralyzed by grief.

74. She spent seven days afloat on a raft.

75. Seven days off could be a wonderful restorative.

76. His family are still mourning John's tragic death .

77. 31 My harp is used only for mourning,

78. It is a remake of the 2007 South Korean film Seven Days.

79. Plainly they had interrupted a mourning tea party.

80. Biffs Kitchen is open seven days a week - breakfast and lunch are served all day Monday through